
Please note that the information contained in this document is subject to change. LMRC will not be held responsible for any content that may be out of date. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or comments.

Addiction Services

Toxico-Stop Detoxifaction Center

4858 Gouin East Boulevard Montreal-Nord QC H1G 1A2
T: (514) 327-6017
F: (514) 327-7494

A detoxification centre and residential re-intergration program for adults which offers short-term shelter, workshops, education, individual and group therapy.

Advocacy and Complaints

Consumers Protection

5199 Sherbrooke Est, Suite 3671 Montréal QC H1T 3×2

T: (514) 253-6556

Interacts with merchants to make sure that they respect their obligations towards consumers.

Alcoholics Anonymous

3920 Rachel E. Montréal QC H1X 1Z3

T: (514) 350-3444

Group meetings for individuals with problems with alcohol.

Alzheimer Society Montréal

5165 Sherbrooke Street West Suite 410 Montréal QC H4A 1T6

T: (514) 369-0800
F: (514) 369-4103

Referral, clinical services such as individual and family counselling, support groups and monthly exchange groups, specialized education services at three activity centres, interactive workshops, education and awareness through conferences and training sessions.

Mon-Fri 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Cocaine Anonymous

1945 rue Papineau Montréal QC H2K 4J3

T: (514) 527-9999

Group meetings for individuals who wan to stop using cocaine.

Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre

T: 1-888-495-8501

The CAFC is mental agency in Canada that collects information and criminal intelligence on mass marketing fraud (telemarketing), advance fee fraud letters, internet fraud and theft complaints.

Curateur Public du Québec

600 Boul. René-Lévesque West Montréal QC H3B 4W9

T: 1-800-363-9020

The Curator is responsible for protecting incapacitated individuals. It educates the public about the protection needs associated with incapacity and supports families and close friends who are representing incapacitated individuals, administering the property of an incapacitated person or a minor or serving as members of a tutorship council.


T: (514) 527-2626

Referral and information for persons having problem with drugs, peers and family members and community workers.

Gambling Help and Referral

T: (514) 527-0140

Information, listening, support and referrals for compulsive gambling.

Canada Revenue Agency

305 René-Lévesque Boul W. Montréal QC H2Z 1A6

T: 1-800-959-7383

The CRA administers tax laws for the Government of Canada and for most provinces and territories and administers various social and economic benefits and incentive programs delivered through the tax system.

Health & Social Services

In LaSalle

855 Newman Boul LaSalle

T: 514-364-2572

To find the health and social services resources available in your area, you can visit the Santé Montréal Portal at


You can also contact the Information and Referral Center of Greater Montréal at 514-527-1375 or get in touch with your local CLSC.

The Home Adaptation for Senior’s Independence

T: 514-872-4630.

For further home assistance contact 1-800-463-4315


Program provides financial assistance for people aged 65 or older, on low incomes, who need to make minor adaptations to their house or apartment in order to continue to live there safely and independently.

Heart & Stroke Support Information

1434 Ste-Catherine Street West, Suite 500 Montreal, QC H3G 1R4

T: 514-871-1551
F: 514-871-9385

Services offered helps create healthy lives free of heart disease and stroke.

Mental Health and Wellness Services

6875 Décarie Boul. Suite 300 Montréal QC H3W 3E4

T: (514) 486-1448
F: (514) 486-6157

Tele-workshops over the phone or at home, roundtable, discussion, support groups and education programs on issues of mental health, caregivers. AMI-Québec’s tele-workshops are information sessions on mental health related issues offered over the telephone. Experts present different topics followed by a question and answer period. Families living in remote communities have access to English services where it is otherwise difficult. The service is FREE but you must register in advance by calling 1-866-396-2433 or by visiting www. You can also listen to previously-recorded tele-workshops on the AMI-Québec website.

Overeaters Anonymous

T: (514) 488-1812

Group meetings for individuals seeking help with overeating.


Neighbourhood police stations in LaSalle/ Montréal

T: (514) 280-0114

LaSalle or Montréal police 8745 Blvd. LaSalle

T: (514) 280-2222

Protecteur du citoyen (Protection of Citizens)

1080 Cote du Beaver Hall 10th Floor, Bureau 1000 Montréal, QC H2Z 1S8

T: (514) 873-2032

F: 1-866-902-7130

The Québec Ombudsman prevents and corrects errors or injustices committed against any individual or group of individuals in connection with a Québec government ministry or agency, or an establishment in the health and social services network.

Elder Abuse
T :514-489-2287

Info-Crime Québec
T: 1-800-811-1800

Gas/Odour Detection
T: 514-598-3111

Hydro Québec
T: 1-800-790-2424

Poison Control Centre (Québec)
T: 1 800 463 5060

Pavillon Foster (in or out patient treatment for substance abuse)

3285 Cavendish Montreal, QC H4B 2L7

T: 514-486-1304

Treatment and rehabilitation for people suffering from alcoholism, drug addictions or gambling problems.

Quit Smoking

T: 1-866-527-7383

Provides tools and strategies to help you free yourself from tobacco or help you remain a non-smoker.

Régie de l’Assurance-Maladie

425 Boul. de Maisonneuve West, Suite #300 Montréal, QC H3A 3G5

T: 514-864-3411

Health insurance card, prescription drug insurance, registration, eligibility, temporary stays outside Québec, aid programs.

Régie des rentes du Québec

T: 1-800-463-5185

The Régie ensures that the administration and operation of pension plans is in conformity with the Supplemental Pension Plans Act and promotes financial planning for retirement.

Réseau Juridique du Québec

T: 1-877-683-1815

Provides the general public, companies and other organizations, access to the Quebec legal system.

Revenu Québec

5199 Sherbrooke Est Montreal, QC H1T 3X3

T: 1-800-267-6299

Collects income taxes and consumption taxes to ensure the financing of public services and to administer various social programs.

Seniors Assist Montréal

Elder Care Solutions (Private)

T: (514) 571-0185



Helps seniors and their families meet the challenges of aging. Offers a wide array of in-home services and seeks to promote quality of life and ensure clients retain their independence.

Seniors-Quebec – Information

Federal, provincial and some municipal information about the services, benefits, programs and initiatives available to seniors in Quebec.

Seniors Eligibility

You may be eligible for the program if:

  • You are 65 years of age or older
  • You find it difficult to perform certain everyday activities in your home
  •  Your total household income does not exceed certain maximum admissible levels that vary according to the number of people living with you and the municipality in which you live.

Other conditions may apply.


English: 1-800-277-9914
TTY- 1-800-255-4786
French 1-800-277-9915

Suicide Prevention

T: 1-866-277-3553

Sûreté du Québec T: 514-310-4141

Tel-Aide: P.O. Box 205, Station H Montréal, QC, H3G 2K7

T: (514) 935-1105

Free and confidential listening service, helping victims of stress, anxiety, addiction and violence, and difficulty with relationships.

Support for Cancer Patients & Family

Canadian Cancer Society

T: 1 -800-939-3333

Information and support for people living with cancer: patients, family, friends and caregivers.

Support for Diabetes Patients & Family

Diabetes Quebec

8550 boul. Pie-IX, suite # 300 Montréal, QC H1Z 4G2

T: 514-259-3422
F: 514-259-9286

Phone line where people can ask questions about diabetes and treatment as well as be referred to health care services

Seniors (Help)

La Société D’habitation du Québec

T: 1-800-463-4315

Provides housing services for seniors.
Referral Helpline for Seniors.

T: 514-527-0007

Referral Helpline for Seniors provide information and referral on requests concerning consumer’s problems, physical and mental health services, housing problems, home nursing services, financial help, legal aid and defense of rights and selfsupport groups.

Monday to Friday from 9:00 am – 4:30 pm.


T: 514-353-2463

Help line, suicide prevention and references for seniors aged 60 and up.

7 days/week, 10:00am – 10:00pm

our partner organizations

CVM, CCS, NutriCentre Heritage Canada ,Vieux Moulin ,Club des Optimistes de LaSalle, St John Brebeuf Church Centraide ,Foundation of Greater Montreal, LaSalle Elementary Junior School LaSalle Elementary School, Children’s World Academy, Sikh Temple, LaSalle Caribbean Paradise Restaurant, LaSalle D&D 50 Plus Center, CLSC LaSalle, Member of Parliament Anju Dhillon, Montreal Teeri Dunyia Theatre, Black History Round Table, LaSalle Borough, Concordia university, McGill University UQAM, Catholic Action Montreal, 3737 Group Initiative, Cornucopia Association Of Canada Table de Développement Social, TDS, Fraser-Hickson, minibiblioPLUS Centre de services et d’intégration des minorités culturelles (CSIMC) Black Mental Health Connection, Montreal (BMHCM), Québec Black Board of Education (QBBE), Montreal Zimbabwe Association, Center for Research-Action on Race Relations (CRARR), Youth in Motion, Black History Round Table, Justice Minister David Lametti, Jamaican Association Montreal, Community Contact, MNA Fred Beauchemin, Council for Black Aging Community of Montreal INC, Generation Foundation Montreal Observatory Summit, Nutri-Center, IGA Beck, McDonald’s Champlain/Newman.